Why Not Art? Podcast

Because we need art now more than ever, and I want you to remember why.

Tune in, to be turned on by the magic that is Art. Available on all podcast platforms.

  • Amie McNee

    Amie McNee

    Why art is not just a nice-to-have…

  • James McCrae

    James McCrae

    Art for your existential crisis…

  • Gabriella Rosie

    Gabriella Rosie

    Permission to be weird…

  • Sam Given

    Sam Given

    The beauty of comedy, and art of life…

  • Matt Young

    Matt Young

    Art vs. entertainment…

  • Brenda Mangalore

    Brenda Mangalore

    Find beauty in the mess…

  • Nicola Newman

    Nicola Newman

    Art is an adventure, buckle up…

  • Penny Sterling

    Penny Sterling

    Meet your Alter Ego through art

  • Will Small

    Will Small

    Hip-hop can change the world…